

Back in the 1990, Polytechs was launching its cling masterbatch. It was renamed PW in the 2000’s PW becomes the new market leader.

Its unique technical performances, supported by Polytechs knowledge, allowed PW to become a reference in the market, as its own grades, PW52, PW60, PW70

2018: Extending the product range

During 2015-2018, Polytechs accelerated its knowledge acquisition process to ensure staying the expert of cling masterbatch, to all the actors of the plastic value chain.

As a result of this move, the successful commercial introduction of new grades happened PWS.

The customers positively replied to Polytechs efforts, PW overpassed frontiers of the supplier-customer relationship and convinced raw material suppliers and films producers to recommend it. This new way to partner with third parties strengthened PW value, fed by machinery supplier recommendations on how to use it.

2019: PW on a website

Winds of change are here at Polytechs. New opportunities rise on the horizon, on both existing and new markets and Polytechs has initiated a strong evolution, increasing capacities and opening itself to innovative developments.

PW brand is beneficiating from this transformation. In order to integrate all the new grades, elements and knowledge that Polytechs acquired over the years and to strengthen the unique value proposition of its cling masterbatch, the company has decided to revamp PW visual identity.

Thus, Polytechs is proud to announce the new PW logo.

This change is supported by a brand new website, a knowledge center focused on PW benefits within targeted market applications, and that includes : Live-test videos ; short webinars ; technical guidelines ; grade selection tools ; … The website has been designed as well to ensure receiving and answering to your sample request or technical support request as fast as we can.

PW achievement comes from a strong commitment of Polytechs team, who works on daily basis to develop, produce and control a highly technical product with consistency, and who advises and delivers a ready-to-use solution to match with your requirements.

Thanks for your attention. We were proud to support you with PW. And be sure that we are and will be proud to continue this fantastic story with PW and yourself. 

Our Best Regards,
Polytechs Team

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